
US Admissions With Martin Rostrum Education


Martin Walsh was the Assistant Dean of admissions at Stanford University and the Former Director of Admission at Santa Clara University, in addition to being a member of the University of Chicago’s Counselor Advisory Board. He has degrees in History, Education and Law and 12 years experience as a counselor for students and 10+ years experience training international school counselors.

“Over the years I am not certain how many applications I reviewed, perhaps 5,000, perhaps more? Trust me: the reading cycle is exhausting and a bit of a blur. Happily, many of my questions about the mysteries of the admission process were answered. Since leaving Stanford I have shared my knowledge with students, teachers and counselors at international schools in South Korea, Japan, China and Italy. And, I serve as an instructor each summer with the Counselor Training Center. I enjoy taking some of the mystery out of the college.” – says Martin.

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All your admission questions answered!

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