
Oxford and Cambridge don’t need you to have superhuman qualities to be accepted. It’s undeniably a tough process, but if you manage to get to the interview stage, all that’s left is to shine brilliantly and being authentic to yourself. How? Well, here are some top interview tips for how you can do your best in the days before and during your Oxbridge interview.

1. Begin preparing ahead of time

The more you learn about your subject, the better you’ll be at answering unexpected questions and demonstrating your enthusiasm and interest. But don’t leave it till the last minute if you need to compress a large textbook into a week’s time. This is a terrible concept.

Prepare the following items:

The core material for this can never be pre-defined, but it can be delivered in the following ways:

  • Dealing with unseen subject specific material: years of experience that our counsellors’ possess, can help guide and assist students to handle a multiplicity of situations that may or may not occur.
  • Structuring answers: You can count on us to help you compose the best possible answers that deliver assured results. The use of the right words at the right time can make a huge difference to your disposition.
  • Subject specific examples: Our councillors’, have the in depth knowledge about the course lines are very specific in their guidance and are catered to your area of study.
  • Responding to interviewer’s cues and tips: with years of experience on their hands, our counsellors will guide you through how to work with indicators that the interviewer might provide. This is helpful so you can navigate through dynamic situations you may be unfamiliar with.
  • Verbal and nonverbal (body language communication): What to say. What not to say. If you’re not saying it out loud how can you communicate with your gestures, everything is minutely taken into consideration and worked upon to come as close to perfection as possible.
  • Past questions: This helps you prepare for general questions that can be asked. Our team is up to date with every interview drive that happens and this provides to be extremely beneficial to students.
  • Personal statement questions: For the majority of students, this is the most difficult aspect of the application process. We meet with our students to explore ideas for their personal statements (or college essays), and we like diving into the minds of our students and assisting them in determining the ideal way to express their narrative. We’re constantly blown away by their varied experiences and how people approach life differently based on their hobbies or background.
  • Demonstrating confidence, teachability and reflection: We make sure that you’re not just prepared academically for the interview but develop your personality holistically.
  • Talking about yourself, interests and achievements: We help students present themselves with confidence and without any hesitations, giving them the confidence to speak their minds in situations they may not be the most comfortable with.

2. Re-read your personal statement

Your personal statement is the only portion of your application where you can truly demonstrate your enthusiasm for your chosen field. Re-reading it can help you focus on why you want to study your topic – and why you are the ideal candidate for the job. During the Oxbridge interview, you’ll also be asked to discuss everything you discussed in your statement, so be prepared.

3. Whenever possible, ask questions

Obviously, don’t merely ask questions for the purpose of asking them — this may quickly become irritating! However, asking well-chosen questions demonstrates critical thinking and a desire to learn. Which instructor wouldn’t be pleased with that?
Present yourself as an open-minded and rational learner who is curious and inquisitive. During your Oxbridge interview, don’t be hesitant to challenge the question’s validity or to take a step back and consider aloud. Tutors are more interested in your capacity to learn than you showing off, what you already know. Developing the practise of questioning many aspects of your topic is also a beneficial approach for learning, regardless of where you attend university or continue your studies.

4. Don’t be worried or stressed

It’s pointless to spend time or energy thinking about the outcome — it’s easier said than done… One perk is that Oxford and Cambridge have a ‘pooling system,’ which ensures that the finest candidates are admitted, whether to their first-choice college or to a different one. Worrying is completely useless. You’ll become disoriented and unable to concentrate as a result of it.

5. Do not be fooled by urban legends

Yes, some Oxbridge professors are ‘eccentric,’ but you’re unlikely to be confronted with anything out of the ordinary. While hearing about other people’s experiences might be beneficial, keep in mind that each interview is unique, based on the subject and tutor. So, even if your friend’s sister’s cousin’s brother was asked a strange question about aliens conquering the planet during his psychological interview, you’re unlikely to get the same question.

6. Make sure you’ve got your head in the right place

You’ve submitted your application to Oxford or Cambridge. You already know they’re the greatest institutions in the UK and among the top 10 universities in the globe. There must be something inside of you that convinces you that this is a possibility for you.
Many students apply to Oxbridge with a sour taste in their mouth. They applied because their school forced them to or because their parents pushed them to. They do not feel, however, that they are not intelligent, affluent, or wealthy enough to be offered a seat or to fit in. If you let yourself believe these things, you’re placing yourself at a disadvantage right away, and that’s not okay.
You must offer yourself the best possible opportunity of being admitted. That has nothing to do with arrogance or a sense of entitlement. It’s all about boosting your inner self-confidence so you can perform at your best.

7. Have a nutritious breakfast

Before your Oxbridge interview, it’s critical to eat something nutritious and full. This is not the time to go on fad diets or binges. You will most likely become tired if you consume too many carbs. Make sure you receive enough protein and fibre in your diet to be full and alert during the interview.

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Have a thorough understanding of your subject. A large portion of the interview may be devoted to expanding on what you already know and challenging you to go deeper into your present expertise. If you want to have a good chance of building on your subject, you’ll need to know everything there is to know about it. Be yourself, relax, and try to think of it as a conversation about something you’re passionate about rather than an exam. Be open to the possibility of changing your viewpoint. Tutors may play devil’s advocate with you to test how quickly you pick up new knowledge and whether you can use it to build new conclusions.
If you disagree with them, don’t back down; instead, attempt to respect their ideas and confess it if you change your opinion. Be ready to answer some unusual queries. While this isn’t always the case, they are curious about how you think. As a result, don’t anticipate a correct response to every question they pose. Lastly, strange questions are frequently posed to elicit your true feelings and test how you reason, so don’t be put off by them; instead, think about them and respond as you see appropriate.