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LNAT Exam Preparation

What is the LNAT?

Law is considered to be one of the most prestigious courses worldwide. The UK is home to the top Law universities in the world. These leading institutions assess a candidate’s ability and required skills for studying Law at the undergraduate level through the Law National Aptitude Test (LNAT). This aptitude test is used along with other admissions processes such as UCAS application and academic qualifications.

The LNAT exam doesn’t test a candidate’s knowledge of Law. Instead, it’s an assessment of their verbal reasoning skills, their ability to understand and interpret information, their inductive and deductive reasoning abilities and the ability to analyze unseen information and draw logical conclusions, all of which are essential skills to do Law.

The Purpose of the LNAT

LNAT’s primary objective is to assist colleges in selecting the most qualified applicants for their legal degrees. Universities require a trustworthy approach to distinguish between the numerous qualified applicants, given the competitive nature of legal education. In addition to academic credentials, the LNAT offers a standardized, objective assessment, ensuring a more comprehensive assessment of potential students.

LNAT preparation online

The LNAT can be challenging for many students. But don’t panic! The actual average score in the LNAT is about 22/42 or 29/42. Only 2% of Oxford University applicants scored above 34 on the LNAT. The goal is to score 29 and above, not the perfect score. Rostrum recognizes that the LNAT can be intimidating and challenging and provides one of the best strategies to help you with your LNAT preparation journey.

LNAT preparation

A student must take the LNAT exam for admission in their final high-school year. Candidates for the LNAT must take the test before 15 October when they apply to Oxbridge, but only after the summer holiday of the year in which they apply. For all other universities, students can sit for LNAT till 20 January of the year in which they apply.

We recommend starting LNAT MCQ preparation the summer before your exam date. There is no such timeline for essay preparation. The sooner you start, the better. The test must be taken during the UCAS year you plan to apply. The test can only be taken once each year (September to June), and results cannot be transferred from year to year.

Students can sit for LNAT only once per admissions cycle. Results cannot be carried over from one year to the next.


The test is used by nine UK universities and two non-UK universities as part of their admissions process for undergraduate applications. The content of the LNAT exam is regulated by the members of the LNAT Consortium (made up of six of those universities), and the test itself is administered by Pearson VUE, under contract to LNAT.

It is a 2-hour 15-minute test divided into two sections – MCQs and Essay.

For admission, a student is required taking LNAT -Rostrum Education

LNAT Scoring

The LNAT is graded on a scale of 0 to 24 for the essay and a scale of 0 to 42 for the multiple-choice questions. Your combined LNAT score, which is provided to the colleges you apply to, is based on the results of both components. It’s vital to understand that there is no passing or failing score.



This section assesses the ability to grasp arguments, recognize vital issues, trace relevant material proficiently, and conceptualize. Section A is designed as a computerized MCQ-based exam consisting of 42 questions. Students are given 95 minutes to answer these questions based on passages of text (dilemmas), and a mark out of 42, referred to as the LNAT score, is awarded.

Students are given several articles to read in the multiple choice part, along with questions to answer (and each question comes with five possible answers to choose from). LNAT questions are analytical and ask students to identify the writers’ assertions, views, and criticisms or to determine which of the five statements can or cannot be confirmed, which are assertions of fact, opinions, or what has been suggested.

Required Skills

  1. Logical deductions
  2. Fact vs opinion differentiation
  3. Understanding implications and more profound meaning
  4. Attention to detail
  5. Understanding argument development
  6. Sorting relevant and irrelevant information
  7. Skimming for main ideas
  8. Identifying the tone and attitude of the writer

Experts Tips

  1. Read through questions before reading the passage
  2. Re-read questions after reading the passage
  3. Avoid assumptions
  4. Pay attention to language and deeper meanings
  5. Identify statements as fact or opinion
  6. Understand the question structure and terms
  7. Double-check your answers


The second section gives 40 minutes to write an essay on three proposed subjects. Tutors of the college check these essays you are applying to, and the mark is taken into account as part of the selection process. The essay gives an opportunity to construct, present and conclude an intellectually reasoned, persuasive and balanced argument around the chosen topic, a top skill for any Law aspirant. Students are given a controversial statement to discuss in a balanced and unbiased tone. Students can choose from a list of LNAT essay questions, which are sociopolitical and legal issues.

Required Skills

  1. Persuasive, balanced, and well-supported arguments
  2. Strong English language skills (grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, vocabulary)
  3. Knowledge of current affairs

Expert Tips

  1. Choose a question with the most factual information
  2. Understand the question fully
  3. Plan the structure and main points before writing
  4. Allot time for planning, writing, and editing
  5. Use concrete evidence, not just opinions
  6. Think critically and creatively
  7. Avoid listing arguments in bullet points

The Seven Categories From Which LNAT Questions Are Typically Based Are:

law exam practice with Rostrum Education

The reviewing process

All applicants (UK, EU, and international) to undergraduate law programmes at the University of Bristol, Durham University, University of Nottingham, and other institutions must take the LNAT. These are then utilized to support your university application and demonstrate your interest in studying Law at the undergraduate level. The participating universities will have access to both your LNAT score and your essay.

The day you take your LNAT, Pearson VUE will make your LNAT score and essay accessible for download by your selected universities. They’ll have access to your score before you do. The candidate’s score will subsequently be used by admissions tutors at each university as part of the application. Each university will use the candidate’s LNAT score and essays in the manner that best matches its admissions criteria.

The LNAT is combined with academic qualifications, information on the UCAS or other application forms, the candidate’s statement, and, in some situations, performance at the interview. It does not replace ‘A’ levels or their global equivalent. The LNAT does not have a set weight, and different colleges will use it differently.

The use of LNAT essays varies and is determined by the admissions policies of each participating university. Some universities may use it as the basis for interview questions. Others may compare it to the personal statement and school/college report on UCAS applications or use it to differentiate between candidates on the borderline.


How do universities use the LNAT Scores?

The economy of expression is vital in the LNAT essays and must be above 500-600 words. Knowing this can help applicants feel more at ease with the LNAT exam and the universities that have given the LNAT as a requirement. You can also better understand how your test will be viewed and prepare for the LNAT test accordingly.


The University of Bristol

  • Offers courses in LLB Law, LLB Law and French, LLB Law and German, and LLB Law and Spanish.
  • Weighs the multiple choice section of the LNAT exam at 60% and the essay at 40%.
  • The score of the LNAT forms about 40% of the application as a whole, an increase from 25% previously.
  • The essay is scored within five bands: 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100.
  • Candidates must pay equal attention to both sections of the LNAT to gain a high score overall.

Durham University

  • Offers courses in LLB Law and LLB Law with Foundation.
  • Competition is extremely high, and candidates must present profiles reflecting top results and consistently good performance.
  • Candidates should aim for a score of 29 out of 42 in the LNAT exam.
  • Durham has yet to disclose much information on the role the essay plays in the admissions process, but it is recommended that candidates prepare well to present an impressive essay.

The University of Glasgow

  • Offers courses in all LLB degrees, except LLB Scots Law (fast-track: graduate only).
  • They are considered to have the lowest level of competition in the LNAT, with a successful candidate scoring 23 out of 42.
  • Focus on mastering the written skills because that is considered the focus of a Law degree, so the essay mainly acts as an additional factor to a candidate’s statement.

Kings College London (KCL)

  • Offers courses in LLB Law, Politics, Philosophy and Law, LLB English Law & French Law, LLB English Law and German Law, and LLB English Law and Hong Kong Law.
  • The reported average score of successful candidates is 27 out of 42.
  • The faculty is quite popular with high academic achievements, making KCL a competitive school.
  • The LNAT average scores have also risen in the past few years, indicating growing competition.
  • Though the essay is not computed to any specific score and helps in the applications of candidates deemed to be borderline, its practice must still be taken seriously because every bit helps with competitive, good-ranking colleges.

LSE London School of Economics and Political Science

  • Provides courses in LLB Law.
  • Doesn’t have any cut-off scores for LNAT.
  • The LNAT forms a part of the assessment of the candidate’s application as a whole.

The University of Nottingham

  • Offers courses in LLB Law, LLB Law (Senior Status), BA Law with French and French Law, and BA Law with German and German Law
  • Considers a cut-off score of about 25, which may change based on recent performances
  • The admissions team considers the essay and looks for a good presentation of logical arguments and a well-formatted and structured essay.
  • The admissions team states that the LNAT score is necessary but not determinative of their decision.

The University of Oxford

  • Offers multiple courses in Law, such as BA Law (Jurisprudence), BA Law with European Law, BA Law with French Law, German Law, Italian Law, and Spanish Law
  • Extremely competitive undergraduate course, making a perfect application necessary
  • The University of Oxford focuses on the candidate’s performance in the interview.
  • LNAT is deemed extremely important, with a recommended score of 30 and above for a chance at the university
  • Values the essay section of the LNAT highly and provides an official marking scheme for scoring criteria

Oxford’s Criteria for high-scoring essays

  1. Application: How accurately do you follow the topic at hand
  2. Reasoning Ability: The candidate should exhibit well-drawn distinctions, relevant information, awareness of different lines of argument and critical thinking.
  3. Communication: Oxford demands a good, clear, and well-flowing essay. The structure and argument must be appropriate and clear to the reader.

Here’s what your essay score says about you:

  • More than 70: The essay is considered outstanding and contains almost all required high-mark features noted above. The candidate’s essay is ideal if it can demonstrate all high-mark features.
  • 65-69: The essay is considered to be very good. The candidate has a strong shot at the next phase of the application process if their essay can demonstrate most, if not all, of the high-mark features.
  • 60-64: The essay is considered to be good. A number of the high-mark criteria are exhibited, but the essay needs some of the components of the high mark. The candidate has an average chance of being admitted.
  • 55-59: The essay is considered to be moderate. It consists only of some high-mark features. The candidate might need help to secure a place in such a condition.
  • 50-54: The essay is considered to be poor. The essay barely consists of any high-mark criteria. The candidate is improbable to secure a place.
  • Less than 49: The essay is considered to be extremely poor. The essay lacks any high-mark features making it almost impossible to secure a place.

UCL Faculty of Laws

  • Offers various courses in Law, such as LLB Law, LLB Law with French Law, LLB Law with German Law, LLB Law with Hispanic Law, and LLB English and German Law Dual Degree
  • High level of competition, with 15 applicants competing for one place
  • Since UCL doesn’t hold interviews, much emphasis is placed on the LNAT scores.
  • A successful national applicant typically scores 28 and 30 for international candidates.
  • It places a lot of emphasis on the essay and looks for an aptitude for reasoning skills, the ability to explore ideas and arguments, and communication abilities.


  • Offers courses in LLB Law, and all other combinations, including Law (except Senior Status)
  • Requires a minimum score of 25 and an excellent essay performance to identify exceptional candidates and make them stand out from the other candidates.

Tips for Exam Day

It is crucial to maintain composure and concentration on your LNAT examination day. Here are some pointers for acing the test:

1) Arrive Early: Give yourself plenty of time to get to the testing location. You’ll feel more at ease and prepared when you arrive early.

2) Carefully read the instructions: Read the directions in the test booklet and on the computer screen carefully. Adhere to them precisely.

3) Keep Your Pace: Don’t spend too much time on any one question in the multiple-choice section. If you’re having trouble, take a break and, if time permits, return to it later.

4) Make an essay plan: Spend some time thinking through your response before you begin writing your essay. Outline your essay’s structure and key themes.

5) Proofread: Rechecking for grammatical and structural errors is the key to scoring well on your essay.


LNAT TUTORING Rostrum Education

Prepare with Rostrum

There are no facts to be memorized and lessons to be reviewed in preparation for the test. Instead, our students concentrate on developing critical thinking abilities and acquainting themselves with the test format.

1. Tackling unfamiliar content:

Our counsellors have years of experience tutoring and mentoring students from all over the world, with offices in India and UAE. Intensive one-on-one discussions with our counsellors assist students in getting comfortable with the unknown content and structure of the LNAT exam. Students are taught to think critically about concerns, question assumptions, draw logical conclusions from specific information provided, and frame counterarguments.

2. Updated methods and information:

Thorough knowledge of current affairs gives an edge, and be rest assured, our mentors inculcate in students the habit of reading from suitable sources, analyzing what they have read and developing the ability to present solid arguments in favour of their opinion through regular discussions and debates.

3. Acing the MCQ section:

Practice is vital to completing the first section. Our carefully curated practice questions and guides place students in the ideal position to crack this exam. Discussing doubts with mentors and acquainting students with all possible questions gives our students a sense of comfort, and they reach the centre more confident than ever! Our tutors will even have you take LNAT practice tests. The LNAT practice tests are beneficial to simulate test day pressure and effect.

4. Critical thinking:

The ability to read, analyze and break down the text are quintessential to the MCQ section. Through intensive reading recommended by our experts and one-on-one deliberations with them, this section is a breeze for our students.

5. Essay section expertise:

The essay section requires the student to present a well-structured and persuasive argument on the topic provided. Our experts offer the right hand-holding to develop this ability in students throughout the mentoring sessions gradually. They are also guided on what kind of assumptions can be made, especially when the topic is from an unfamiliar background, to make the essay come out as strong as one based on facts.

6. Timing:

Timing is everything. This is evident when we consider that the LNAT is a multiple-choice test; leaving an answer blank gives you a 0% chance of getting the question correct, guessing gives you a 20% chance, and eliminating a few answer alternatives gives you a 50% chance (the average LNAT score!). It is essential to be strict with yourself to move forward, identify the questions you have the best chance of answering right, and complete the exam.

We focus on your unique shortcomings and sections of LNAT that you struggle with during each lesson. Our instructors help you improve your technique. We show you how to speed up the process by teaching you section-specific strategies. Our LNAT tutors will be your companion, mentor, and educator. You can ask our team questions at any time.



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