Even among public colleges, it is uncommon to find one with an annual tuition sum that is only four digits long. It is even more uncommon to find a university that offers a prestigious undergraduate education along with multiple well-recognized academic programs for such a low cost. One of the best college offerings in the US is UNC-Chapel Hill. Being accepted as a state resident is comparatively simple compared to being an out-of-state or international student, yet you must be at the top of your class to be given serious consideration.
You must identify ways to stand out on your application if you want to have the best chance of one day donning the Carolina blue and white. The UNC-Chapel Hill Supplemental Section still gives applicants the chance to highlight their unique qualifications for admission through its two brief answer prompts and four fill-in-the-blank options. The supplemental prompts for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s 2022–23 admissions cycle are described below, along with advice on how to respond to each one.
UNC supplemental essays: Short answer prompts 2022-23
You’ll choose two of the following prompts to respond to in 200-250 words:
Describe an aspect of your identity and how this has shaped your life experiences or impacted your daily interactions with others?
Some students may believe that there isn’t anything particularly fascinating about their own identity in any one of those categories, while others may feel that there is a compelling and profoundly personal tale to share about their racial/ethnic identity, sexual/gender identity, or religious identity. Be aware that UNC Chapel Hill leaves the option open for someone to discuss their membership in an affinity organisation as well. Maybe you can’t image your life without your participation in an affinity group focusing on volleyball, chess, drawing, supporting a sports team, or any other activity you can think of. If so, you’ll probably fit right in with this essay.
Just a quick reminder: if your primary Common App essay addressed one of these, don’t repeat the same thing in your supplemental essay.
Describe a peer who is making a difference in your school or community. What actions has that peer taken? How has their work made a difference in your life?
The majority of college essay questions need you to brag about yourself, which is a task that some people like much more than others. The fact that this essay isn’t primarily about you is a fascinating aspect of this prompt. This is your chance to discuss the traits of a peer you admire and, perhaps, the qualities of a community builder you aspire to. Just remember that the prompt encourages you to discuss a classmate in your neighbourhood rather than the deeds of a well-known adult.
It’s crucial that you respond to the question, which asks how the person’s actions have affected your life. Perhaps this person encouraged you to develop greater empathy and understanding for some social issues or causes. Your account should be authentic, intimate, and indicative of your maturing moral compass.
If you could change one thing to better your community, what would it be? Please explain.
If you already selected the previous prompt, you probably wouldn’t want to select this prompt. Both of these responses deal with steps done to better one’s community, but in this one, you take the place as the main character.
It’s crucial to view “community” as a notion that may be defined in a variety of ways as you plan your approach to this essay. Your high school, your neighbourhood, a house of worship, your family, a club, or even a sports team can all be considered as parts of your community. This doesn’t have to be a grandiose vision, just a word of caution. Keep in mind that the question asks how you would “contribute” to the transformation in your neighbourhood. Thus, you are not required to act as the lone hero.
Former UNC-Chapel Hill employee, community service member, and civil rights activist Esphur Foster once said, “We are nothing without our history.” Her words are memorialized on the Northside Neighborhood Freedom Fighters monument. How does history shape who you are?
There are primarily two approaches to writing this article. You can start by discussing how your own personal or family history has affected your present-day life. As an alternative, you may discuss a historical occurrence or period of time and how it relates to your own current situation.
If you choose the first option , you might be talking about your parents, grandparents, or other family members. Make sure, though, that the anecdote still reveals something new about you. Make sure to spend a significant amount of the essay talking about how a historical choice ultimately affected your life. If you choose the second option, the trick is to strike a balance between providing enough background information to ensure that the reader fully understands the story you are telling and still giving yourself enough room to relate the historical anecdote to your current situation.
UNC-Chapel Hill: Fill-in-the-blank responses 2022-23
You’ll complete all four of the following fill-in-the-blank responses in 25 words each:
One family, friend, or school tradition I cherish:
If applicable, this may be a spiritual, religious, or other tradition. It is equally acceptable to discuss a regular board game night, a yearly camping trip, or a silly, original tradition that is specific to your family, circle of friends, or school.
If I had an extra hour in every day, I would spend it:
What excites you? What is something that makes you tick? What makes you feel alive, in the moment, and in flow? Which interests keep you awake at night? You are on the right road with this essay if you can answer at least one of these questions. The best essays are those that are real and honest about the subject matter, which should be your favourite pastime.
If I could travel anywhere, near or far, past, present or future, I would go:
Ideally, this response will be somewhat in-depth. This does not imply that to stand out, you must choose a remote location. Instead, your motivations for travelling should reveal something personal about you. Additionally, you have the choice of selecting a historical era or event. It might allude to a well-known incident covered in a standard history textbook. But it might also have a deeper personal meaning for you.
The last time I stepped outside my comfort zone, I:
Your response to this essay can demonstrate that you are a truth-seeker, a mature thinker, and not someone who is content to adamantly cling to an ideological viewpoint that is firmly ingrained. The problem can have global repercussions or it might be a private or familial matter involving you and another person. It’s important to demonstrate your ability to grow and be open-minded.
People who meet me are most likely to notice, and least likely to notice:
This is a unique addition to the collection of supplemental essays at UNC-Chapel Hill. Consider this an opportunity for introspection. When others connect with you, what do you believe they see? What do you desire additional exposure for? The “least likely to notice” part of the prompt can be rephrased using the latter question.
Essays with Rostrum
If you are interested in working with one of Rostrum’s experienced and knowledgeable counsellors as you craft your UNC supplemental essays, we encourage you to schedule a free call today.
Yatharth is the co-founder of Rostrum education. He pursued a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Mathematics and Statistics from London School of Economics and Political Science. He has worked with leading educational consultancies in the UK to tutor students and assist them in university admissions.
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