The majority of the students in college identify as night owls and frequently pull all-nighters. If given a choice, they try to avoid choosing 9 AM classes. After multiple attempts at making schedules and resolutions, many students fail to develop a healthy sleep schedule.
How to study in the Morning?
While we are all aware of the multiple benefits of studying early in the morning, it is difficult to practise it daily and consistently. Here are a few tips that you can follow to be a morning study person:
1. Start gradually
A new habit should always be formed gradually. It would be tough to adjust if you suddenly set your alarm for a lot earlier than usual. Change the time of your alarm clock instead, setting it 15 minutes earlier each day for a week. If you typically get up at 8:30 AM, don’t expect to be ready to start studying at 6 AM. Once you adjust to this new pattern for a few weeks, you’ll soon notice how productive your mornings become and how much you can do before lunch.
2. Go over your plan for next morning
Every night before you put your phone away, check your Google calendar to see what’s scheduled for the next day. Have you got lectures? Are there any assignments due today? Did you allot time for physical activity? Going through your plans is a smart idea since it will help you be prepared and ensure that nothing surprises you the next morning.
3. Choose a nice alarm sound
Nothing is worse than waking up in the morning to an unpleasant beeping sound. You’re more likely to wake up with a positive attitude if you choose something upbeat. Do you prefer to wake up to your favourite song or the sound of birds chirping? It will be a lot simpler for you to really get up when it’s time to do so if you use it as your alarm clock as opposed to turning it off and groggily returning to bed.
4. Have a morning routine
A morning routine can help you start your day in a way that is organised and suits you, much like having an evening ritual aids in winding down. Exercise, have a bath, have your coffee, listen to music or just open your windows.
5. Consistency is the key
Being consistant is essential for success in life. You’ll feel a little more worn out on certain days than others. Everyone experiences that, so don’t be concerned. Just keep trying; if you give up and spend the entire morning in bed, you’ll start to break your new habit. Instead, take it a little easier and give yourself some more time to come back to being productive. Your body will adjust to your new pattern eventually, and you won’t even need to set an alarm to get up early.
This will be you shortly:)
Yatharth is the co-founder of Rostrum education. He pursued a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Mathematics and Statistics from London School of Economics and Political Science. He has worked with leading educational consultancies in the UK to tutor students and assist them in university admissions.
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