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DONOVAN Mentor -Rostrum Education


Donovan graduated from Harvard University in 2020 with a degree in Government and a secondary in Psychology. He is a seasoned college admissions consultant; over 75% of his former clients were admitted to Ivy League or Oxbridge universities. 

In high school, Donovan graduated as valedictorian, an AP Scholar with Distinction, earned the prestigious AICE Diploma with Merit and was a recruited varsity rower. As a working screenwriter, Donovan excels at enabling applicants to share their stories @rostrumedu MEET YOUR MENTORS Donovan and create compelling narratives that captivate and attract admissions officers.

Not only can he assist with college applications, but he has extensive experience helping students navigate the athletic recruiting process, as well as develop original passion projects to amplify students’ extracurricular profile.

A psychology nerd and washed-up former athlete, Donovan likens his approach to college consulting to that of a coach rather than a teacher. His near-peer guidance and emphasis on intrinsic motivation have helped countless students find fulfillment, cultivate confidence, and pursue purpose-driven passions at the top universities in the world